Management Commands#

The commands made available to developers should be used with caution, be sure that you know what you are doing.


This command is to be used only when a version becomes un-editable due to inconsistencies with states that are controlled by moderation. It has been observed that the state can end up inconsistent in very rare scenarios. A ModerationRequest object should never have is_active=True when the item has been successfully published. The following states can cause a version to be locked from editing:

  • ModerationRequest.is_active=True

  • ModerationRequest.version.state=published

  • ModerationRequest.collection.state=Archived

In this scenario a new Draft object cannot be created from the Published object due to version checks.

The command will first analyse and list any ModerationRequest objects that are in a broken / inconsistent state.

The fix will correctly set the is_active flag leaving the correct states:

  • ModerationRequest.is_active=False

  • ModerationRequest.version.state=published

  • ModerationRequest.collection.state=Archived


To first run an analysis on whether any ModerationRequest objects have a broken / inconsistent state.

python moderation_fix_states

To execute and resolve any state inconsistencies, you can run the command with the –perform-fix flag set.

python moderation_fix_states --perform-fix