Welcome to djangocms-moderation’s documentation!



A process by which a draft version (see docs for djangocms-versioning) goes through an approval process before it can be published.

Moderation Collection

A collection (or batch) of drafts ready for moderation.

Moderation Request

Each draft in a Moderation Collection is wrapped as a Moderation Request in order to associate additional Workflow -related data with that draft. Each request may also have comments added to it and may send out notifications


Each Moderation Collection is associated with a Workflow. The workflow determines through what steps the moderation process needs to go and may provide a differing moderation UX for each Workflow.


Each Workflow has at least one Workflow Step.

Moderation Request Action

Each Moderation Request will have a number of actions associated with it. The number of these is defined as part of the Workflow. A Moderation Request Action is the action taken by an actor who is part of the moderation process. E.g. “mark as approved”, “request rework”, “publish”.


Each Moderation Request Action step in a Workflow is associated with a Role. The Role consists either of a single User or a single Group. The users associated with that Role are required to act at that stage of the Workflow.

Indices and tables